A MinD in MoTown

Post-holiday pessimism?
January 6, 2010, 7:38 pm
Filed under: An accidental hiatus, Tis the season

It starts in mid-November.

Look at the calendar, count the days. Work. Bake. Buy a turkey. Eat said turkey. Look at the calendar, count the days. Work. Bake. Shop for presents. Wrap presents. Give presents. Drink ‘nog. Argue with family. Look at the calendar, count the days. Work. Get drunk. Yell “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Celebrate National Hangover Day.

And then BAM, it’s over. You’ve spent nearly two months of your life planning for or participating in the holidays, and then the boring daily grind returns with full force just days after the new year begins. And although this comes at no surprise, you can’t help but become completely overwhelmed by a routine that was so easy only weeks ago, before the snow fell, when leaves still littered the ground.

For some bizarre reason, it’s almost as if life completely stops once Thanksgiving peeks its head around the corner. We become so enraveled in “the holiday spirit” that everything else gets put on hold until we miraculously emerge on the other side of December, wondering how we’ll pay the Christmas bills and staring at the calendar in the hopes of some random holiday magically appearing that includes paid time-off from work. (Which reminds me, is it Memorial Day yet?!)

Blogging? I stopped doing that regularly once the holidays approached. The gym? Ha, I haven’t been there since October (that one was partially do to lingering swine flu effects, and then Thanksgiving swiftly arrived). An eye-doctor or hair appointment? Well, I simply couldn’t afford that and presents for the family.

We spend practically two months in a holiday-induced daze, foregoing everything from much-needed doctor visits to frugal shopping trips. Yet we’re expected to swiftly and smoothly transition back into the work and social atmosphere as if we didn’t leave so much of ourselves and our lives behind. There’s no time for a gradual shift back to the mundane routine. All at once we take down the Christmas tree, pack up the ornaments, toss the leftover cookies and trudge back into life full force, attempting to make up for lost time in the process. I, for one, think this should occur little by little, allowing us some time to breathe and recover before plunging into reality head first.

No more “extra” vacation time to use if working a Friday doesn’t sound appealing. No more putting off that hour of cardio because I “absolutely have to buy this gift as soon as possible.” No more habitual grazing on cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate, using the “but it’s the holidays” excuse to justify my sweet tooth.

The real world is back … and it’s here for at least the next 10 months. And although I’m clearly going through wee withdrawals – despite recognizing how ridiculous it is to put life on hold – it’ll be nice to finally buy a new pair of contacts and fit into my pre-November jeans.

30 Comments so far
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Ugh! You’re so right. I’m kinda glad it’s all over, but I do feel a little down. I guess this is kinda how a bride feels when her wedding is done. A beautiful letdown.

Comment by Akirah

Excellent comparison. You’re probably spot on, too.

Comment by amindinmotown

Since I work part-time in retail, I see firsthand how the hustle&bustle of the holiday season gets to people, so I purposefully try to work on NOT letting that happen to myself by avoiding certain places during certain times, buying gifts in advance, etc.

but I do and did indulge when it comes to food. I’m glad that it’s all over with because my waistline can not handle another holiday feast.

Comment by thatShortChick

Ah, I remember the holiday retail days. No fun! Ha. As for food, I have all these habits that I picked up again (such as too much soda) over the holidays that I’m yet again trying to kick. Ugh.

Comment by amindinmotown

Having gone from Swine Flu to Thanksgiving to getting finals ready for my students and the Lit GRE all the while trying to prepare for Christmas…I don’t even miss Christmas.

I tried to keep up with my life throughout the holiday season and yeah, it doesn’t work. At all.

Comment by Kendall

Oh jeez, I forgot about my attempts at studying for the GRE right in the midst of the holiday madness. What we were thinking!?

Comment by amindinmotown

I’m definitely in post holiday blues. I don’t like normal months, bring back the festivities. Now all I can anticipate is the weekends :/

Comment by Andhari

Psh, I can’t even look forward to those! I work most weekends. Boo hiss.

Comment by amindinmotown

I love your use of “National Hangover Day.” 🙂

Comment by TOPolk

Why thank you. I learned it from someone super awesome.

Comment by amindinmotown

Yeah…we still have our tree up. And our stockings. We are clearly dragging out this holiday season haha!

Comment by stealthnerd

Me too! Ha. I guess it’s also partial laziness though… Well, for me anyway.

Comment by amindinmotown

I prefer life before/after the holidays. No stress or obligations, just taking care of yourself.

Comment by phampants

Exactly. I hear you on that.

Comment by amindinmotown

Amen. So much of our life is put on hold for holidays, it’ll be really nice to get back into gear.

Comment by Matt

Isn’t it sad when we miss routine? We miss the day-to-day stuff and are sort of happy to leave holidays behind? We’re clearly adults now.

Comment by amindinmotown

You are SO right on this. You spend SO MUCH time planning and then enjoying the holidays and then it’s over. And then what? Oh yes, you’re left with pants that don’t fit and snow. Hot.

Comment by Jessica

Super hot. I think I even had to unbutton the top button one day after dinner with the boyfriend. I’m sure he was impressed.

Comment by amindinmotown

interesting perspective. i’m more of the rejuvenated new years, goals, resolutions type of person. life isn’t on hold, it just changes.

Comment by floreta

I guess it would be much different if I looked at the New Year that way, but I’m not one for making resolutions or new goals simply because the year changed. ::Shrugs:: I can see why you’d have that feeling of rejuvenation though because you’ve made those goals for yourself.

Comment by amindinmotown

You kind of have to blog regularly again, since you said you would on my blog. Those are the rules.

I get what you’re saying about the holiday rush leading straight back to the grind… I always use my February birthday to help motivate me to get through January… except now I’m getting old and it’s not as much fun.

Comment by Andy

There’s rules!? What!? Nah, I’ll try this regular-blogging thing again, ha.

And for people like you, there’s something to look forward to. Sure, there’s V-Day, but meh to that. My birthday’s not ’til July and damn it, I can’t wait that long! (P.S. We’re all getting old. Insert sad face here.)

Comment by amindinmotown

I’m in a total post-holiday comedown right now and it sucks. Luckily I was way behind on my Christmas planning this year and didn’t even get into the holiday spirit until the 24th December so I think I’ll probably slip out of the funk once I get paid next week and can do some retail therapy…

Comment by Paula

I am highly looking forward to retail therapy! That’s definitely a great way to improve one’s mood, if you ask me.

Comment by amindinmotown

This is why I try to be consistently inefficient, yet adequate enough throughout the entire year. Then, for two months, I’m a friggin machine at work, in the gym, and … well, not so much with blogging!

Comment by [F]oxymoron

Consistently inefficient, huh? Sort of the idea that if you don’t exceed expectations, you don’t disappoint anyone? And would those two months be during the holiday season or immediately following it? That would make all the difference.

Comment by amindinmotown

I know I was definitely enjoying my time off and the business of the holiday season tends to make work extra relaxed/less busy. Now everyone is back and forced to deal with the backlog of work from before the holidays. Post holiday pessimism indeed…

Comment by OmegaRadium

See, I didn’t have much time off, and I had work that had to be done regardless, yet I still feel like I’m playing catch-up. I don’t get it.

Comment by amindinmotown

Such a great post. It’s nice to have the holidays while they’re here, but it’s also nice to be rid of them and get back to the art of living.

Comment by Kimwithak

Thank you. And you summed up exactly how I feel so very well.

Comment by amindinmotown

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